Boys & Girls Clubs of Northwest San Diego
Brand Resources
Our new merged name is
Boys & Girls Clubs of Northwest San Diego
Tagline: Greater Together.
Mission Statement: To inspire, develop, and enrich young people to reach their fullest potential as confident, responsible, caring members of society.
Vision statement: To become the recognized leader in out-of-school time programming and services in San Diego County, ensuring our Club kids have the skills and resilience to successfully navigate childhood and prepare for adulthood.
2024 Merged Stats
- Members served: 6,500
- Other youth served (through all our programs combined): 10,000
- Total youth served: 16,500
- Teens served: 2,523
- Financial assistance awarded: $655,000
- Military youth served: 600+
- Meals served annually: 204,000
- Combined 130 Years of History
- 8 Clubhouses
- 8 Specialty Programs
Our 8 Clubhouses
- Allred Clubhouse, Carmel Valley
- Del Mar Clubhouse, Del Mar
- Griset Clubhouse, Encinitas
- Harper Teen Center, Solana Beach
- La Colonia Clubhouse, Solana Beach
- Ocean Knoll Clubhouse, Encinitas
- Polster Clubhouse, Carmel Valley
- Oceanside Clubhouse, Oceanside
When listing in paragraph form, always alphabetize the list and display it like this:
Allred Clubhouse (Carmel Valley), Del Mar Clubhouse (Del Mar), Griset Clubhouse (Encinitas), Harper Teen Center (Solana Beach), La Colonia Clubhouse (Solana Beach), Ocean Knoll Clubhouse (Encinitas), Polster Clubhouse (Carmel Valley), Oceanside Clubhouse (Oceanside)
Our 8 Specialty Programs
- Aquatics & Rancho San Dieguito Swim Team
- Athletics & BIG 8 Middle School Sports
- Bulldogs Basketball
- Carmel Valley Montessori School
- Centers for a Healthy Lifestyle
- ROADs (Real Options for Adults with Disabilities)
- Summer Adventure Camps
- Youth Arts Academy
When listing in paragraph form, always alphabetize the list and display it like this:
Aquatics & Rancho San Dieguito Swim Team, Athletics & BIG 8 Middle School Sports, Bulldogs Basketball, Carmel Valley Montessori School, Centers For a Healthy Lifestyle, ROADs (Real Options for Adults with Disabilities), Summer Adventure Camps, and Youth Arts Academy
Our Logos
Boys & Girls Clubs of Northwest San Diego have vertical and horizontal configurations of our logo.

Editorial Guidelines
1. Northwest is one word. Do not separate with a space.
Correct: Boys & Girls Clubs of Northwest San Diego is…
Incorrect: Boys & Girls Clubs of North West San Diego is….
2. Boys & Girls Clubs of Northwest San Diego is singular. Do not proceed with “the.”
Correct: Boys & Girls Clubs of Northwest San Diego is dedicated to empowering youth.
Incorrect: The Boys & Girls Clubs of Northwest San Diego are dedicated to empowering youth.
3. Always use the ampersand (&) in the name of our organization.
Correct: Boys & Girls Clubs of Northwest San Diego
Incorrect: Boys and Girls Clubs of Northwest San Diego
4. Club / Clubs – Always capitalize Club(s), in both the phrase Boys & Girls Club(s) and when using it alone.
5. The Boys & Girls Club Movement – Refers to BGCA and Clubs collectively. Club is singular. Movement is capitalized.
6. Our acronym is BGCNWSD. When referring to our organization in an article, please begin the article by calling us Boys & Girls Clubs of Northwest San Diego. In the following sentences, you can refer to us as BGCNWSD.
Correct: BGCNWSD
Incorrect: bgcnwsd
Incorrect: B.G.C.N.W.S.D.
7. We have Clubhouses not Branches
8. after school – Two words. When used as an adjective, add a hyphen.
Examples: The Club is open after school. It provides many after-school activities.
9. Youth/young people/kids and teens When referring to multiple young people, use “young people” or “youth.” Do not add an “s” to “youth.” Because Clubs serve youth in a wide range of ages, we also refer to Club members as “kids and teens,” which encompasses the 6-12 age group as well as Club members age 13 and older. Preference is always “kids and teens” or “youth” over “children.”
10. When writing our domain name, always lowercase “bgc” and capitalize the “G” and the “T” in the URL. Do not proceed with “www”.
Our Colors
Our Primary Color is BGC Blue. The Extended Palette includes the remaining 6 colors.
CMYK: 100/13/1/2
RGB: 0/129/198
HEX: 0081C6
CMYK: 76/25/0/0
RGB: 0/153/216
HEX: 0099d8
Inspirational Green
PMS: 376 C
CMYK: 54/0/100/0
RGB: 129/188/0
HEX: 81BC00
Service Purple
PMS: 267 C
CMYK: 77/97/0/0
RGB: 97/39/158
HEX: 61279E
Great Futures Gold
PMS: 7564 C
CMYK: 0/50/100/9
RGB: 226/136/27
HEX: E2881B
Professional Blue
PMS: 301 C
CMYK: 100/53/4/19
RGB: 0/75/135
HEX: 004B87
Theatrical Gray
CMYK: 44/34/22/77
RGB: 83/86/90
HEX: 53565A
Bold Black
CMYK: 0/0/0/100
RGB: 0/0/0
HEX: 000000
Youth Arts Academy (YAA):
Athletics & Big 8 Middle School Sports:
Bulldogs Basketball:
Rancho San Dieguito Swim Team (RSD):