Your donations help shape the future of our community.

Help us reach our goal of raising $185K in 6 weeks! 


We’re thrilled to announce a merger between Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito and Boys & Girls Clubs of Oceanside.

RSD Ranks As a Top 300 Club Out Of 4,000

RSD has been designated Bronze Medal Club status for 2024 by USA Swimming, making us once again a top 300 club in the nation, out of over 4,000 swim teams in the USA!

Congrats, Daylin!

Our 2023 Youth of the Year Winner!

After-School Program

When School’s Out, Clubs Are In! Register now for the upcoming school year.

Explore Our Programs

After School Program

Athletics & Big 8 Middle School Sports

Bulldogs Basketball

Break Week Camps

Carmel Valley Montessori School

Centers For a Healthy Lifestyle

Pardee Aquatics Center and RSD Swim Team

Summer Adventure Camps

Youth Arts Academy

Whatever It Takes To Build Great Futures

In addition to home and school, Clubs are essential places in kids’ lives where they can grow into themselves and achieve a great future.


Our Commitment to Inclusion

If we are open to learning more about each other, we can do more together.

At Boys & Girls Clubs of Northwest San Diego we cultivate an inclusive environment in which our members and staff feel valued and free to be their authentic selves. We believe in great futures for youth and welcome all races, sexual orientations, ethnicities, identities, religions, and abilities.


Our Partners

Our 2022 Impact Numbers

of every dollar raised goes directly to services & programs for kids

kids and teens impacted throughout all our facilities and programs

in financial aid awarded

hours of specialized programming such as STEAM & Triple Play (Health & Wellness Program)

hours of homework help completed through our Power Hour Academic Success program

hours of music education given to 120 youth through our Youth Arts Academy