Race Day:
Saturday, November 2, 2013
12:00 noon
5K, 3.2 miles, on the beach, starting and finishing at Jake’s.
First Place Men’s, First Place Women’s, First Place Youth, Oldest to Finish, Youngest to Finish, Baby Stroller Division.
Finish Line Party:
Entry fee includes Beach Run t-shirt, healthy barbecue, drinks, awards, entertainment and fun raffle prizes after the race on the beach in front of Jake’s.
Race Day Parking:
Parking available at Seagrove Parking Lot, across the street from Jake’s.
Race Beneficiary:
The La Colonia Branch of the Boys and Girls Clubs of San Dieguito
The Friends of Powerhouse
Jake’s Del Mar’s Legacy of Aloha
We believe in treating our customers as friends, having a good time and giving back to the community that has supported us for over 30 years. 100% of the proceeds from the Fun Run go toward our Legacy of Aloha program which was created to help fund community organizations, protect the environment and perpetuate the water sports we love. The Fun Run gives us an opportunity to do all this while providing an enjoyable day for all. Thank you for your support, we look forward to having you join us in this great event at the beach.
Register Now! http://www.jakesdelmar.com/fun-run