Congrats to Liam Lucewicz

2018 Youth of the Year
Athletics Department

“Ever since 3rd grade, I have been an active member within the Encinitas Club at Boys and Girls Clubs of San Dieguito. They helped me develop a passion for community service.

Many of the kids I tutor can’t afford or don’t have the accessibility to tutoring, so I created the Boys & Girls Tutoring Club to provide free tutoring to kids who normally complete homework alone. Before my club existed, no peer tutors were present, but now, I lead a group of ten students in a weekly peer-tutoring rotation. I have seen the progress in a student named Cadence – a fifth-grade girl now ready for middle school. I work with Cadence every week on her school work. She is now accelerated in math, science, and health. My calling is to help these kids, and it is my responsibility to do what I can to prepare them for academic success.

Last summer, I interviewed and was accepted into a highly selective internship at Palomar Hospital. After interacting with patients and working within the hospital, I was certain that I wanted to pursue a career in medicine. Currently, I serve in the Cardiovascular Progressive Care Department at Palomar. I administer cardiac monitors on patients, transfer patients from a gurney to a bed, discharge patients, empty catheter bags, deliver food, change sheets, give bed baths, and interact with faculty. As a high school student, I am held to the same standards as the college interns who accompany me. Because of my experience with my internship, I am certain I want to be in medicine and want to be a doctor.

Traveling 2,862 miles away from home seemed daunting to me at first, but the experience I had on my mission trip was unlike any I’d ever had. In a small group of people from my church, I embarked on an unbelievable journey to deliver medical supplies, clothes, and toys to an orphanage. Although my intention was to help the kids, the children of the orphanage helped me just as much. In the orphanage, I made friends with the village kids and learned that despite the horrible conditions, the children were joyful and content with just having the support of one another. Through the actions of the kids, I can say I have grown more in my faith and my relationships with friends and family. Although I went there to help them, ultimately, we helped each other.

Being a part of Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito has changed my heart and mind about the plight of others. I will forever be changed – for the better.”


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